sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Autora de Wake fala sobre Miley!!

Perguntaram pra ela:

I was sort of against the idea of Miley playing Janie, but then I thought I cant do anything to change it and shouldnt judge before i see it (I TOTALLY will). Anyways, who do you think Janie looks most like? I never really got a picure in my mind

ele pergunta basicamente se Miley é como ela imagina Janie, algo assim

Ela respondeu:

I wish more people had that very mature attitude. I think many people don't even know why they hate Miley -- they just do because it's fashionable to do so. So thank you for thinking beyond that. I think Miley's look could be very close to the Janie in my head. With a little hair color change (Janie's hair is dirty blond) and the right makeup and wardrobe, Miley fits the bill pretty well. She even has that husky voice thing going on that works well with Janie when she's affected by other people's dreams.

Ela diz que sim, só o cabelo que não, mas que a voz roca pode funcionar muito bem com a personagem

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